
足球外围最靠谱的平台 is currently recruiting for the following positions:



足球外围最靠谱的平台是一家非营利组织, 为蒙哥马利县服务的社区媒体组织, Md. 我们提供视频制作设备和设施, and multimedia training to help county residents create and share their own media content. 另外, MCM provides media 生产 services to other nonprofit organizations and county government 年龄ncies to meet their video 生产 needs. 我们的团队也创作和分享超本地的新闻故事, 为居民提供可靠的, 关于他们社区的可靠信息. MCM maintains multiple platforms for sharing content 包括 several access cable channels, n.classactbusiness.net 以及多个社交媒体平台.

We are dedicated to hiring individuals who are driven to make an impact in our community and believe in our mission of providing media access to all county residents. MCM is committed to building and maintaining an inclusive culture by actively championing diversity within our staff and stakeholders to create a more equitable space in community media. We value the unique identities and experiences of all people and welcome you to apply.


  • 带薪假期
  • 优秀的好处
  • 合作和多样化的员工
  • 包容、创新和团队合作的文化
  • 灵活的工作时间
  • 成长和培训的机会


This position assists Production Coordinators in the technical aspects of 生产 for County Council and MCT 生产s. Work as a 生产 team member on a variety of studio and field 生产s and provide guidance to maintain a professional atmosphere.


  • Assist the Production Coordinators with the technical aspects of all 生产s 包括 site survey, 设备打包, 设置, 生产, strike, 设备存储.
  • 作为指定的剧组成员参与各种制作. 分配的工作人员职责包括所有工作室和现场职位.
  • 作为摄像师发展生产技能, 技术总监, 音频的人, 工作室的主管, 设置好提词器和照明.
  • Act as a temporary replacement for Production and Post-Production Coordinator on an as-needed basis.
  • 协助制作人创作和协调节目制作.
  • 协助工作室的建立和设备的监督.
  • Maintain and follow all 生产 and post-生产 procedures to ensure the highest 生产 standards.
  • 承担分配的其他职责.


  • 该职位需要2 - 5年的生产经验, 重点是EFP, 英语和工作室风格的制作.
  • Familiar with broadcast and industrial video 生产 equipment and have a strong working knowledge of digital formats.
  • 熟悉并具备包括摄影在内的高级技术技能, 照明, 英格, 直播和非线性编辑.


  • 影视制作专业本科以上学历, 或相关的学士或副学士学位也可以申请. 充足的工作经验可以代替教育要求.
  • 对社区媒体的承诺, 公共, 教育和政府(PEG)接入有线电视, 第一修正案权利和电信公共利益.
  • 具有与生产和技术团队合作的经验.
  • 能够在压力下工作,并在规定的期限内完成任务.
  • 能够与政府机构合作, 不熟悉生产过程的社区团体和个人.
  • 在视频制作方面有良好的记录, 包括, 规划和监督, in the development of video programs and/or customer service to content producers.
  • Working knowledge and experience in a variety of video 生产 environments, 设备和/或系统, 以及基于Mac或pc的应用程序和工具, 特别是微软的Office (Word), Excel, 访问及PowerPoint).
  • 无驾驶记录和有效的MD驾照. Ability to provide own transportation to attend meetings and events away from the office.

工作类型: 兼职

This position requires membership in The National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians – Communications Workers of America (NABET-CWA).

MCM provides equal employment opportunities (EEO) to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, 宗教, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 或基因. 除了联邦法律的要求, MCM complies with all applicable state and local laws governing nondiscrimination in employment.


这是临时的, part-time position with hours flexible according to training schedules averaging approximately 4-20 hours per week. 重点在晚上和周末工作.


  • Assist in Instruction – To be knowledgeable about all classroom procedure and media equipment applications. 协助教师进行各方面的媒体培训, 其中可能包括现场制作或工作室课程.
  • In the field 生产 class teaching assistants will assist in teaching the operation of cameras, 录像记录, 灯, 麦克风, 音频和编辑设备.
  • In the studio class teaching assistants will set up the studio and assist in teaching cameras, 切换器, 字符发生器, 音频板, 播客, 媒体录音机, 讲词提示装置, 和照明.
  • Student Supervision – To act as an MCT representative supervising student project, 编辑会话, 或产品. 确保设备安全并遵守项目指导方针.
  • 在制作或上课前设置工作室和教室.
  • 认证测试-管理和评估书面 & 认证示范测试.
  • 协助mcm监督的节目制作.
  • 其他分配的工作.

The duties and responsibilities listed in the job description generally cover the nature and level of work being performed by individuals assigned to this position. This is not intended to be a complete list of all duties, responsibilities, and skills required. 公司管理层保留修改的权利, 添加, 或解除职责,并在必要时分配其他职责.


  • An associate degree in television communications or demonstrated experience.
  • 基本的电子领域生产技能.
  • 基本工作室制作技能.
  • 基本的视频编辑技能.
  • 基本的播客技巧.
  • Experience in instructing individuals in the use of television equipment is desirable.
  • Ability to work cooperatively with students who are unfamiliar with television 生产.
  • 敏感和耐心地指导社区志愿者.

MCM provides equal employment opportunities (EEO) to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, 宗教, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 或基因. 除了联邦法律的要求, MCM complies with all applicable state and local laws governing nondiscrimination in employment.




足球外围最靠谱的平台’s Digital Futures Institute invites applications for the BIPOC and LGBTQIA+社会影响奖学金. This unique initiative is designed to amplify diverse voices and foster equitable representation in media. 我们正在寻找有激情的, creative individuals from BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ communities who are committed to using digital media as a platform for impactful storytelling. 作为一个伙伴, you will lever年龄 cutting-edge digital tools and storytelling techniques to bring your narratives to life, 打造更具包容性和代表性的媒体格局. 


  • Create engaging and impactful digital content that reflects the experiences and perspectives of BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ communities in Montgomery County, MD. 
  • 参加数字制作方面的培训, 多媒体讲故事, 新闻伦理, 新兴媒体技术. 
  • Collaborate with peers and mentors to develop and refine storytelling projects. 
  • Contribute to the Digital Futures Institute’s broader mission by participating in community outreach and eng年龄ment activities. 
  • 在公共论坛上展示你的作品, 包括放映, 展览, 以及数字平台, 达到广泛的受众. 


  • A strong interest in digital storytelling, journalism, or media 生产. 有工作经验者优先考虑,但不是必需的. 
  • 被认定为BIPOC和/或LGBTQIA+社区的成员. 
  • 致力于种族平等、社会公正和媒体包容性. 
  • 具有创造性思维和优秀的沟通能力. 
  • 能够在多样化和动态的环境中协同工作. 
  • Openness to receiving feedback and a desire to eng年龄 in continuous learning. 


  • 研修期:为期12周, 并有可能根据性能和项目需要进行扩展.  
  • 工作时间:每周20小时 
  • Stipend: Each fellow will receive a stipend of $1,000 to support their participation in the program.
    Location: The fellowship will be based at the NexGen Media Lab in Silver Spring, MD, 在项目允许的情况下提供远程参与的机会.


Interested candidates should 提交简历 and cover letter by June 1st to ECE@classactbusiness.net 


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